Saturday, March 3, 2012

Tauhara Sunrise Lodge

Devon and I said good bye to Craig and Cris Cunningham on Friday, February 10th and headed 10 minutes around the lake to a spot called Acacia Bay. We spent 10 days at a bed and breakfast called Tauhara Sunrise working for Becky and Rob McEwin.  Becky is from Texas and Rob is from New Zealand.  They met in Texas years ago when Rob was on his OE (Overseas Experience:  something most kiwis do when they graduate from the University).  They lived in Texas for most of their young adult life until their kids went off to college and decided to move back to New Zealand  to open up a Bed and Breakfast.  They found a piece of property with an amazing view of Lake Taupo and Mt. Tauhara in the background.  The sun rises behind the mountain hence the name Tauhara Sunrise.  We enjoyed many amazing mornings looking out across the lake to Tauhara.

Enjoying the sunrise from the comfort of the hottub!

We arrived at our new worksite to find a note by the front door. "Gone to town be back around 2:30 -Becky (phone #). It being around 12:30 Devon and I went to explore a local cafe that we had heard was pretty cool, L'Arte.  A local artist has decorated the outside of the cafe with amazing ceramic sculptors.  Eddie and I wandered the property taking in all the interesting and mind blowing creative work.  Of course I enjoyed another delicious flat white inside the cute cafe.

The artist at work

We made our way back to the B&B to meet Becky and begin working right away.  Some guest had stayed in the Queen suite the previous night so the sheets needed washing and changing and the bathroom and kitchen needed cleaning.  It was easy and light work for our first night stay at Tahuara Sunrise.  Eddie and I did other odd jobs around the property the rest of the week; lots of yard work and house cleaning.  The lodge was putting on a concert featuring an Australian blues and folk guitarist the first Friday we were there.  It was pot luck style so Eddie and I helped Rob make pizzas in his wood fire oven in the back yard.  We made Chicken Cranberry and Bree, Lamb and Mint Yogurt, Mexican, and Thai that Eddie suggested. We used a peanut sauce recipe we got from Craig Cunningham.  They turned out great. We also helped clean up the deck and set up the marque the musician would be playing under.   We were in charge of checking people off the list and making sure they had paid.  Everyone brought a delicious dish to share.   We got to try lots of awesome food and enjoy a talented guitarist play his version of some well known songs.  It was a great night.  The rest of the week was dedicated to getting the house and yard ready for a wedding they were putting on the following weekend.  Eddie did heaps of yard work while I did heaps of cooking.  I made some awesome chocolates (Yes, I got the recipe) and a few other finger foods.  On the day of the wedding we heated up all the food and displayed everything nicely for the champagne hour after the ceremony before everyone left to the reception.  I wore a dress to the wedding that turned out to be the EXACT color of the bridesmaid's dresses.  I don't know if that is a good thing or if I confused a lot of people but it was funny.

I took Devon out to dinner on Valentine's Day to a little restaurant just a short walk down the hill from us. I order the Lamb Shank while classically Devon could not decide between the Moroccan Chicken and the Dori. She asked the waitress for her opinion in which she did not have and was not much help at all. Eventually she decided on the Chicken. A few minutes later a couple sitting close to us had the same question for the waitress. The waitress then told them that Devon had the same dilemma. The man asked Devon what she went for and she told him, the chicken, so he got the chicken. This sparked a conversation that lasted the rest of dinner.  Turns out Rob and Joy are from Canada traveling through New Zealand as a part of their retirement.  We told them all about our adventures and our blog, so hopefully Rob and Joy are reading! They informed us their children were also doing lots of traveling.  They very kindly bought Devon and I both a dessert in which we thoroughly enjoyed!

 Our food looked so good we just started eating it without even thinking about a picture until it was all gone!

We worked a full 8 hours one day so we could have a day off to do a 3 hour hike from Whaikipo to Kinloch.

The Cicada:  The distinct sound of New Zealand.  They can so loud you can't even hear yourself think

We took one afternoon to hike up Tauhara.  It was an awesome hike with an amazing view of Lake Taupo.  We also got to watch the beginning of  an amazing sunset and an approaching thunderstorm.  We ran down the hill just in time to escape the down pour.  We raced the storm back home and watched it come up the hill to Acacia bay.  We enjoyed watching the thunder and lightning the rest of the night.


My first HDR shot in awhile. No tripod or remote.

One afternoon we went to Huka Falls.  Beautiful.

Double rainbow all the way across the sky!!

Sunset  casting a shadow on Tauhara

Sunrise Tauhara Lodge

 We left Tauhara Sunrise on Monday morning February 20th and drove 4 hours to Wellington where we had our next adventure!


  1. Just the sheer amount of breathtaking views that you guys are experiencing on a daily basis on this adventure is truly incredible. Know that you are well missed here in Chico but if I were you I don't know if I would ever want to come back :)
    Thrive in your wanderlust, for these moments will be the ones you look back on as the best of your lives.


    1. Very well said and we feel the same way Mark! We miss everyone back in Chico and think of everyone often. It has been an awesome adventure so far. Thanks for your supportive and inspiring words.

    2. the more i read your blog the more depressed i get cause im stuck in North Dakota! haha you guys are so lucky live it it up! i miss you guys cant wait to see you again.

