Sunday, March 18, 2012

Nelson: Camping

The drive to Nelson was very windy and Devon got particularly car sick. She dozed in and out of consciousness for a majority of the ride. However, I enjoyed a very scenic and sick-free ride all the way to Nelson. Once in Nelson we made our way to the library to check our email again, still no responses. So we got some groceries and paid for a campsite in town. We paid 36 bucks for one night in which the rain was falling so hard we slept in the car. Neither of us slept very well and the feeling of paying so much money for a crappy time just doesn't sit very well sometimes, but thats what happens when you are traveling.

We shook it off and headed to the library to check our email once again. We finally got a response and had a confirmed place to stay in 3 days time. Saturday at noon we were to be staying with Ben and Miranda Van Dyke in Nelson. It being thursday, we packed up the car and headed to Abel Tasman National Park to at the Canaan Downs campground. Small note: Abel Tasman is the smallest National Park in New Zealand but considered among one of the most beautiful for its coastal walking track and beaches. Devon and I happen to be camping on the inland side, still pretty, but no coastal paradise. We were aware of the fact that we were camping on the non-mindblowing side of the park but we didn't have enough time in advanced to organize and book the 3-4 walking track. We hope to accomplish this on our way back up New Zealand.

The New Zealand style time-out corner for bad children

A typical breakfast of Muesli, yogurt, and tea. Missing from pic: Fruit.

Needing some exercise, Devon and I did some trail running through the forest.

Trying to travel and eat healthy at the same time can be difficult but it can be done!

Kumara: the New Zealand sweet potato, we are in love.d

The campground in the distance sitting just along the forest line

The forest was beautiful and alive but had an air of ancientness 

We were astounded by the erosive effect on these rocks.

I loved these rocks and took so many photos it was hard to narrow it down for the blog.

Tree nose? 

Progressive Rummy by flashlight


  1. Progressive rummy? Grambam would be proud!!!

  2. ...i was thinking the same thing! LOL Very beautiful pics, Eddie and Devon!

  3. We love your blogs! Sooo jealous! Wasn't there some kind of work involved at some point during your trip? All you do is play, play, play! :D
