Thursday, February 9, 2012

Tongariro Crossing

Wednesday, February 8th: 

Tongariro Alpine Crossing

The crossing spans 19.4 kilometers or 12.05 Miles for you back home. :) Devon and I woke up at 5:15 am and hit the road at 6:40. We had a nice hour long drive down the southeastern edge of the lake. We made it to the base camp at 7:40. We had arranged for a bus to transport us to the trail head and pick us up at the end of the day. The bus picked us up at 8 and we made it to the trail about 8:20 and started on our way. It was a beautiful hike starting in the Mangatepopo Valley headed up and through the active Mt. Tangariro and Mt. Ngauruhoe and then down to the other end of the park. With rest, lunch, and photo stops it took Devon and I 7 hours to finish the whole thing. It was great to get out into the wilderness and do some good 'ol mountain climbing. The only downside was the amount of people that were hiking it alongside us and some of the people were a little bit slow. However, it was a difficult uphill climb in the beginning that would make anyone a bit tired. The landscape was beautiful and I couldn't help but hum and whistle the Lord of Rings Theme for most of the hike. I have a few favorite moments in New Zealand so far and this hike definitely makes onto the list. I think by the end of the trip I will have quiet a few added to my list. 

For my fellow map lovers

Clouds over Ngauruhoe

This should be a Northface ad. Eddie: Northface fleece, shorts, and backpack. Devon: Northface jacket, pants, and backpack. 

Desolation becomes Beauty

I really enjoy this photo.

View of Blue Lake

The Emerald Lakes

Psalm 23:4 comes to my mind, " Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death..."

The pose

Did we mention they are active volcano's?


  1. I love that you hummed the Lord of the Rings soundtrack...I can see why.

  2. Awesome guys, we beat your time by half and hour but we were singing the Sound of Music! Looks like you are getting the best out of Kiwiland. CC

  3. Thank God you're a good photographer.

  4. So beautiful! I love being able to follow your adventures!
