Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Devon and I left the Kurow and The Tyrrell family on Friday the 7th and headed to Oamaru for the day. Unfortunately for Devon and I it was a public holiday because of Good Friday so none of the shops were open. We still walked around and enjoyed the town a little bit. We head down south about 10 mins to a DOC campground to spend the night.

The next day on Saturday we drove back into town and all the shops were open again in anticipation for the busy holiday weekend. We spent the day roaming and actually going in the stores this time. We viewed a Steampunk Artists Workshop, various historical Victorian style shops, and had pizza for lunch at a American influenced joint. Devon ordered the Arizona and I got the Cheeseburger Pizza. Both were interesting but sounded a lot better on paper then they were in reality. However, food is food and nonetheless filled our stomachs. We took a walk around the harbor and spent the afternoon perched upon a grassy hill overlooking the city. Eventually we got in the car and headed south to another campsite about an hour down the road and closer to our next stop: Dunedin!

Notice how it says "this is a men's yoghurt and you are a man"
Eddie feeling like a man because of his yogurt

Uh oh....we went to another garden and Devon saw flowers.......

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The next set of photos is a series of one wave....

View of Oamaru

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